Monday, July 20, 2009

Body after Baby week 1

I guess I could have had a better 1st week of body after baby. I didn't do to bad, I drank quite a bit of water. I ate reasonably healthy. I did cheat a couple days... pizza, a chimichanga, probably more but I can't remember at the moment! I went for a couple walks with the boys. I pulled them in their wagon one day. It was mostly uphill too so that was a pretty good workout. Then we went to visit my mom and I took Gavin for a walk in the woods to pick raspberries. That was mostly uphill too! Gavin kept getting tired and I had to carry him part of the way. Other than that I didn't have a lot of time to workout, it's been a busy week. I'm all geared up for week 2 though. I've finally got my mind in it and I'm excited to see how I do from here on out. I started out weighing 129 lbs. I now weigh 125.5 lbs so I lost 3.5 pounds this week. Not too bad for the first week! I really don't care about the number though I just want to loose the extra baby gut. It looks like I'm still pregnant and my youngest is a year old! That's going to be the hardest part for me. Good luck to everyone else I hope you all have a great second week. You are all hot mamas (and dads!) in my book. KEEP IT UP :)