Monday, July 13, 2009

Body After Baby challenge Day 1

Day 1:
It's at the end of day one on the Body after Baby challenge. It didn't really get off to a good start! I started off ok but the later it got the more I wanted to eat! For lunch I had some grilled chicken left over from last night. Not too bad but I did have a small portion of mashed potatoes and gravy. But then as I was making dinner I couldn't stop eating tortilla chips and salsa! We had gorditas (not so good either) and I thought 'I'll just eat one that's not so bad', then a second because it was so good! THEN after the boys had a bath and were quietly playing in their room I ate yet another one! Granted I only put like 3-4 little chunks of chicken on each one but its the cheese and sour cream that's the killer. Oh well maybe tomorrow will be a better day! I did drink quite a bit of water today so that's an improvement. I will get my workout, my 7 year old niece is coming over to spend the night so I'll be even more busy than I already am. Hopefully all the wonderful moms and dads doing the body after baby challenge is doing better than I am on their first day! I promise I will buckle down and go for it from now on! I did find a really great workout today. I call it baby curling! Instead of using weights, use your baby! My 1 year old loved it. He was giggling and having a great time. He is a little chunky butt at 27 lbs so it didn't take long and I was defiantly feeling the burn! As for exercising with my 3 year old, he loves to turn on some music and we just go crazy dancing. I look completely ridiculous but it makes you break a sweat! It doubles the strain if I hold one of the boys while I'm doing it. Who says you need a gym? Good luck to everyone else in the challenge but GO ORANGE TEAM!!!


Courtney said...

Yay Orange Team! I just wanted to stop by and wish you luck in the BAB challenge!!

Sonya said...

YAY for the orange team. Drinking lots of water is great! you are off to a good start. hang in ther.